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September 2021

Sales of Nutramunity Beta Glucan skyrockets

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Since Algalif started selling Nutramunity Beta Glucan in 2018, total sales have increased 19-fold, from about 200 units sold in the first year to over 4.000 units in 2021 with a substantial increase during the pandemic. Nutramunity Beta Glucan is a high-quality food supplement product made from yeast. It is considered to be one of the most effective immune boosters out there. Nutramunity is a sub-brand of astaxanthin producer Algalíf Iceland. Sales of Nutramunity Beta Glucan have increased significantly in recent years and months. As the chart shows, sales have picked up sharply since the covid pandemic hit the world.

Even though the food supplement and vitamin sector has seen increasing sales during the pandemic, not many ingredients have seen a similar boost. Orri Björnsson, CEO of Algalif, says increased awareness of health has had a positive effect on the sales of Nutramunity Beta Glucan. “We’re seeing more growth in Beta Glucan sales now, than ever before. That, of course, tells us two things. First, Nutramunity Beta Glucan works as intended to strengthen the immune system. Otherwise, people would not continue to buy it. Secondly, there is a great awakening among consumers around the world regarding health and healthy living, as we see in both Beta Glucan and astaxanthin sales.

New water dissolvable astaxanthin beadlets

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Algalif Iceland has added two types of astaxanthin beadlets to its product portfolio in partnership with Divi´s Nutraceuticals. These beadlets are made by Divis with sustainable natural astaxanthin from Algalif.

One type is specifically formulated for use in powdered drink mixes and beverages. It offers quick dissolution when added to water. The other type is used for nutritional bars and soft tablets. It offers direct compressibility without oil extrusion and discoloration of tablets. Below is a microscopical picture of the beadlets.
Please send beadlets inquiries to

Algalif awarded as one of the fastest growing companies in Iceland.

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The Icelandic Growth Consortium has awarded Algalif as one of the country’s fastest-growing companies. This is a great honor for a young biotech startup company like Algalif. The Icelandic Growth Consortium consists of the Federation of Icelandic Industries, Iceland Startups, the University of Reykjavik, and The Icelandic Center for Research.
The pictures show Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson, foreign minister of Iceland Orri Bjornsson, CEO of Algalif, other winners, the judges, and leaders of the Association of Icelandic Industry.
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