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We are proud of our women

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About a third of Algalif´s employees are female. They come from all over the world and do all sort of jobs within the company, from production to management and science. We are proud of our women and the company would not be where it is without them. Even though we value them every day, we want to use this opportunity to celebrate them especially on International Women´s Day. Thank you all for your invaluable contribution to the success of Algalif!


Dr. Tryggvi Stefánsson

Icelandic Algalif scientist among pioneers in mapping algae cultivation as part of the Blue Bioeconomy

By Articles, News

An international group of fifteen scientists recently published an article in the scientific journal Frontiers in Marine Science. There, an attempt is made to map algae production in Europe. According to the paper there are 447 companies involved in cultivation and processing of algae in Europe. This is the most comprehensive study of its kind ever made. The project is connected to EU Blue Bioeconomy initiative.

Authors, including Dr. Tryggvi Stefánsson from the biotechnology company Algalíf in Iceland, found a total of 447 such companies in 23 countries in Europe. The companies are roughly classified into three categories; those that process seaweeds and macroalgae, those that grow the blue-green cyanobacteria Spirulina or those that produce microalgae. Algalíf, Dr. Stefánsson’s company, for example, falls into the latter category.

Almost 500 algae companies in Europe

Just over half of 447 companies produce microalgae or Spirulina, while just under half produce macroalgae. In that part, France, Spain, and Ireland are the largest in terms of number of producers. The majority of the 225 companies who work with macroalgae, use what grows wild, but about a third are in cultivation.

When it comes to microalgae or Spirulina, it is almost exclusively cultivated. Spirulina manufacturers in Europe are 222, divided between 15 countries but most of them are located in France, Italy, Germany and Spain.

Most of the companies are small or start-ups

There are 74 microalgae producers, most of them in Germany, Spain and Italy. In total, such production takes place in 16 countries. Some companies are in both in microalgae and Spirulina cultivation, or 33 companies. Most of these companies are small or on pilot scale, especially when it comes to the production of microalgae.

Algalíf in Iceland is one of the largest microalgae companies in Europe, producing more than 10% of all microalgae biomass in the continent according to the information from the paper. Algalíf also seems to be far ahead of most others in technological expertise, sales systems, and production stability.

Lots of future possibilities

According to the authors of the paper, there is a real possibility of a great and bright future for cultivation and algae processing in Europe. But at the same time, it is important to pay close attention to environmental challenges, especially regarding the utilization of wild algae.

Only a few companies in algae cultivation have achieved significant success it seems, in terms of stability, profitability and efficiency, and Algalíf in Iceland is one of them. The company produces astaxanthin which is used as a dietary supplement and in various other products such as cosmetics. This one company produces more than 10% of all microalgae biomass produced in Europe.

The article can be found by clicking on this text or on the logo below.

Where sustainability is a way of life

By Algalif in the media, News is a very popular and cool entrepreneurial website that over 100,000 people read weekly. This week, they are running a big story on Algalif, and an interview with Orri Björnsson, Algalif´s CEO. The main news now is about Algalíf and sustainability.

It is great to see all the hard work from the staff and management result in such an elaborate and great coverage.

Click here or on the picture to read the article. 


Photo by Styrmir Kári & Heiðdís Photography.

Fjögurra milljarða erlend fjárfesting í stækkun líftæknifyrirtækisins Algalífs.

By Fréttir

Verksmiðjusvæðið mun rúmlega tvöfaldast en framleiðsla á astaxanthíni rúmlega þrefaldast.

Rúmlega eitt hundrað innlend störf verða til á framkvæmdatímanum 2021 til 2022 og a.m.k. 35 ný framtíðarstörf munu skapast hjá fyrirtækinu.

Algalíf verður eitt stærsta örþörunga fyrirtæki í heimi. Stækkunin er að fullu fjármögnuð erlendis frá.

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Photo by Styrmir Kári & Heiðdís Photography.

Astaxanthin producer Algalif Iceland announces 30 million US$ expansion.

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Production will more than triple when the new facility is operational in 2022.

New state of the art factory will establish Algalif as a worldwide industry leader in astaxanthin production.

Algalif Iceland has announced its 30 million US$ expansion plan for its sustainable astaxanthin production facilities in Iceland. “This is one of the biggest foreign investment projects in Iceland for a while” says Orri Björnsson, Algalif CEO.

Construction will begin early next year. Production will more than triple, from over 1.500 kg to 5.000 kg of astaxanthin annually. The company will thereby be the biggest astaxanthin producer in the world. Read More

Great year for astaxanthin producer Algalif Iceland.

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2020 looks to be the best year in the history of Algalif Iceland with stable production and sales of over 1.500 kg of pure astaxanthin. The company has established itself as a market leader in the production of high quality sustainable natural astaxanthin from algae since it was founded in 2012.

Its location in Iceland means that Algalif has access to an abundance of clean natural water and 100% green geothermal energy. The company’s dedication to all-around sustainability means it renowned for exceptionally clean quality astaxanthin.

It is company policy to aim at 360° sustainability and that goal is within reach with all operations being powered with green energy and zero fossil fuel usage within the company.

On top of all that the extensive market knowledge of the management team and competitive cost structure has made Algalif Iceland a market leader and resulted in the best year in the company’s history.

Algalif Science Manager to Address Quality Control at Algae Biomass Summit

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Tryggvi Stefansson, science manager at Algalif®, to participate in an informative education session at the annual Algae Biomass Summit on September 19th from 8:30 to 10:30am.

Algalif®, Icelandic producer of pure, high-grade, natural astaxanthin from microalgae, will participate in an informative session at the 13th annual Algae Biomass Summit taking place in Orlando, FL September 16-19.

Algae Biomass Summit is the go-to conference for algae-based product developers and the scientific community looking to further unlock the potential of algae. Tryggvi Stefansson, science manager at Algalif will take part in Biomass Quality: Ensuring Success in Meeting Quality Standards on September 19th from 8:30 to 10:30am.

The session will bring together experts both working on the front lines of producing, marketing and selling biomass and those supporting the commercialization of algae with biomass characterization assessment. It will provide a lively forum offering advice, best practices and case studies for delivering algae-based food and nutritional products that meet even the strictest quality and regulatory guidelines.

“Commercial algae cultivation, as with any type of production-level cell cultivation, is faced with ever-present risks of contamination,” said Stefansson. “In this session we will present potential risks, highlight important contamination control checkpoints and discuss ways to minimize or avoid common risks throughout the production process – from the input of raw ingredients to the handling of finished consumer products.”

For more information, or to register for the Algae Biomass Summit, please visit:

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